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Walsall Pupil Premium Policy 2023/24


All children in care from Reception to Year 11 are allocated a grant of £2530 per child by the Department for Education (DfE). This is to help achieve their full educational potential, develop their aspirations and reach their goals. It is the Virtual School Head’s responsibility to determine how the funding is used and distributed to schools to effectively support our children in care to make good progress and achieve well.

We work in partnership with the schools and education providers to ensure children receive the full range of support to which they are entitled alongside any individualised support outlined in the PEP to enable them to make progress and achieve in all aspects of school life. For previously looked after children, the PPP funding will go directly to the school’s budget if the child is listed as ‘Post LAC’ on the school census.

Examples of the use of individual PEP funding include:

  • Accelerating the learning of a young person who has missed periods of education through additional tutoring or resources.
  • Educational Psychology reports to ensure a young person’s SEN needs are identified and met.
  • Promoting areas of particular strengths or talents.
  • Assisting in periods of transition between key stages or school moves if necessary.
  • Providing additional educational resources such as books, apps or software.
  • Ensuring emotional or behavioural needs are met in school to promote inclusion.
  • Improving attendance and engagement in school.

Centrally held funding by the Virtual School is used to provide a range of support and interventions all dedicated to our looked after children and identified in our ‘Virtual School Offer’.  

Early Years PP+ is based on how many hours the child attends. Each child from the first full term after age three generates approximately £302 per year.


Further Information about pupil premium can be found at 

Pupil premium: Effective use and accountability 

Pupil premium: Virtual Heads responsibilities 



Pupil Premium resources