Walsall Admission Protocol for looked after and previously looked after children
Admission authorities of all mainstream schools must give the highest priority in their oversubscription criteria to looked after and previously looked after children as defined in the admissions code.
Schools cannot refuse to admit a looked after child on the basis of challenging behaviour or refer a looked after child for action under the Fair Access Protocol (see paragraph 3.12. of the school admission code)
Looked after children can be admitted as 'excepted pupils' in relation to the infant size class limit if they are outside the normal admission round (see 2.15b of the School admission code)
Due to care placement changes, looked after children may enter educational provisions mid-term and the virtual school aims to secure objective evidence that the average time taken to secure a school place for a child is being reduced. Similarly, we aim to secure objective evidence that the average number of school moves in any 12 week period is being reduced to enable looked after children to maintain more consistent educational provisions